RE: Townsville Bulletin 9/12/2019 p1 And 4 Scanned copies on my facebook here: - Hot on the heels of Labor and the ACTU preffing the Nazi loving gun nut Katter’s Australia Party , who backed the fascist Fraser Anning %1000 , who represent Katter’s “Australian Race of People” (whatever the fuck that means) – The Corrupt leader of Townsville’s JENNY HILL GANG, our Mayor , has sought out Nannette Radeck to run against rebel labor candidate Paul Jacob . (For outsiders – party’s , groups and candidates hand out bits of paper saying who their supporters should put 2 nd 3 rd etc as a return favour with deals attached ) Radeck ran for the KAP in Herbert at the Australian Federal General Election. Head of the ACTU Michelle O’Neil handed out HTV’s (Scanned) in Herbert. I saw her and met her. Not only that, Liam Mooney , the son of corrupt former Mayor T...