Townsville Bulletin 9/12/2019 p1 And 4 Scanned copies on my facebook here:
-Hot on the heels of Labor and the ACTU preffing the Nazi loving gun nut Katter’s Australia Party , who backed the fascist Fraser Anning %1000 , who represent Katter’s “Australian Race of People” (whatever the fuck that means) – The Corrupt leader of Townsville’s JENNY HILL GANG, our Mayor , has sought out Nannette Radeck to run against rebel labor candidate Paul Jacob .
-Hot on the heels of Labor and the ACTU preffing the Nazi loving gun nut Katter’s Australia Party , who backed the fascist Fraser Anning %1000 , who represent Katter’s “Australian Race of People” (whatever the fuck that means) – The Corrupt leader of Townsville’s JENNY HILL GANG, our Mayor , has sought out Nannette Radeck to run against rebel labor candidate Paul Jacob .
(For outsiders – party’s , groups and
candidates hand out bits of paper saying who their supporters should put 2nd
3rd etc as a return favour with deals attached )
Radeck ran
for the KAP in Herbert at the Australian Federal General Election. Head of the
ACTU Michelle O’Neil handed out HTV’s (Scanned) in Herbert. I saw her and met her.
Not only that,
Liam Mooney , the son of corrupt former Mayor Tony Mooney is on her team now.
Where before, the rule was LEAVE FAMILY ALONE, now all bets are off. Corrupt
former NSW Labor Minister Eddie Obeid who donated $5K to Tony Mooney’s 2010 run
for Herbert just got out of gaol. And he is now liable to answer questions
about his family’s association with him. That donation was signed off on by the
current Deputy Premier of Qld Jackie Trad in this AEC return
He is also liable to answer questions about
whether he knows Lancini’s $50k donation to Mooney in 2007 influenced local ,
state and federal labor at the time to come up with a publicly funded $20 Mil
each for Lancini’s road through the then Flinders pedestrian Mall in Town.
When Jacob
pulled out of the GANG, it set off provisions of the Qld Local Government
Electoral Act. As explained in my blog
post here
Send these
questions to the CCC at because at the time these people were public officials.
There are
only 2 ways they can deal with the left over developer bribes from last council election in 2016 . That’s because
they split with Jacob a while back . If they wernt ALL labor members when they
nominated then there is only one way.
Quoting my
blog -
“A group of candidates had and must operate a joint bank
account and all expenditure must have gone through that account Belcarra report
p 57 p-70-73 , s27 , 43 and 126 , 127 LGE ACT . Remembering they knew there was
a looming developer donor ban, they would not have spent all that money .
They ran as an independent team , though they are all , if not majority labor members. Under s 127(6) and (7) there are only 3 ways that left over money can be dealt with :
127 (6)If an amount remains in the account at the end of the group’s disclosure period for the election, the amount or part of the amount may—
(a)be kept in the account for the conduct of another election campaign by the group; or
(b)if each member of the group was a member of a political party during the disclosure period—be paid to the political party; or
(c)be paid to a charity nominated by the group.
(7)An amount mentioned in subsection (6) must not be dealt with other than under that subsection.”
They ran as an independent team , though they are all , if not majority labor members. Under s 127(6) and (7) there are only 3 ways that left over money can be dealt with :
127 (6)If an amount remains in the account at the end of the group’s disclosure period for the election, the amount or part of the amount may—
(a)be kept in the account for the conduct of another election campaign by the group; or
(b)if each member of the group was a member of a political party during the disclosure period—be paid to the political party; or
(c)be paid to a charity nominated by the group.
(7)An amount mentioned in subsection (6) must not be dealt with other than under that subsection.”
Jacob had been calling for them to run a labor team next
time. Jenny Hill refused. Did she then, or the team that is jointly liable for
offences in relation to this money-
Pass it to Qld labor to launder it back to them later;or
Donate it
to a charity, or create a charity so THEY can launder it back to them later?
That was corruptly obtained money. Go through the rest of my
blog. Lancini donated to Both sides. His donations to Logan and Ipswich Local
Government Mafia proved he only donated where he had business interests . And
thus, all his “altruistic donations” to both sides were to acquire personal
economic gain by him. Read my blog here
Not only that , because she was on the board of the Local
government Association , she jointly authorised donations to the LNP and ALP the
weeks the council corruption legislation was before the parliament and didn’t speak out against them - LGAQ ( and and type in “LGAQ” and “local” and hit apply
or search )
Not only that , because she was on the board of Townsville
Enterprise LTD she TWICE jointly authorised donations to the LNP as a labor
member . Type Townsville Enterprise into those donations searches too. As
explained on my blog here
In a shitty state of affairs, Qld labor still needs the 3
KAP votes in the QLD parliament and brought back Compulsory Preferential Voting
to share the shame and blame under the guise of “ 2 Party preferred” in the eyes of the international observers .
In Qld , like dictators immunities from prosecution , the time limits for prosecution of electoral
and other corruption is only 4 years for indictable and 1 year for summary
offences . Then, everyone is off- Scot Free. You can try to change this by
doing a submission to the changes to electoral legislation, to demand getting
rid of ALL TIME LIMITS for prosecution
of electoral offences and all corruption and misconduct offences , just like
historical sex offences -through the page here by January 9th 2020 at 12pm EST
They are also trying
to make it illegal for anyone who isn’t a party or candidate worker handing out
how to vote cards -to be within 100 mts of a voting booth unless they are voting.
This is because the media is rigged, and there can be hundreds of people lined
up at pre-polls – this allows a very large message to be got out by anti -corruption
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