Since I started posting all over  they shut off the ECQ Squiz site to break my links. The new site has massive links here  You have to scroll down and chose the archive and manually search from there .

Sam Cox, former LNP and fascist One nation candidate, now Townsville mayoral Candidate for Townsville 2020 -has admitted in the comments on another blog that the donation of $950 from John Honeycombe , of the Honeycombes developer mafia family was for his Mayoral Campaign though it was made back on 14/11/2019 .

He admits previous sugar donations were for corporate outcomes too. Was he a paid industry consultant seeking membership of the board or a political candidate ? Townsville Magpie Blog 2/2/2020 – comment in reply Sam Cox February 5, 2020 at 10:21 pm  (I have saved all that)

Under both the Qld Electoral Act (QEA) and the Local Government Electoral Act (LGEA)  an “attempt” completes an offence regardless if you were successful  (s174 QEA , s4 QLD Code , s11.1 Criminal Code Act CTH  ) .

Before we start, before the realtime disclosure came in we could access the PDF returns in Qld filed by donors and recipients. These had names and addresses of donors or those that did it for them and we were able to cross check those addresses. It was illegal to use PO Boxes as addresses alone . it still is under s109 , 117, 118,  LGEA  , s197 “Definitions- relevant particulars”  and s 265 QEA . And the Commission was supposed to publish returns on its website under s316 QEA and s128-130  LGEA . But because they haven’t, we cant cross check phone numbers, addresses, PO Boxes family names or other  business names that might use the same. CLEARLY, PEOPLE ARE STILL BREAKING THE LAW. AND THE COMMISSION IS BREAKING THE LAW .

An example is an attempt to mislead the commission (S174(c ) LGEA, or to circumvent the prohibited donations  for developers (s194A and B, s113, 113A, s113B LGEA, s273 QEA ) and foreign donors (s269 QEA)  

Soliciting by donor or person or party is stated in  s113(B) LGEA and s275 QEA as
(1) It is unlawful for a prohibited donor to make a political donation.
(2) It is unlawful for a person to make a political donation on behalf of a prohibited donor.
(3) It is unlawful for a person to accept a political donation that was made (wholly or in part) by or on behalf of a prohibited donor.
(4) It is unlawful for a prohibited donor to solicit a person to make a political donation.
(5) It is unlawful for a person to solicit, on behalf of a prohibited donor, another person to make a political donation.

For the purposes of s 113(4)  of the LGEA  and s273 QEA , relating to associates of developers The CTH has control of corporations law . In The CTH Corporations Act -A closely related party includes directors and officers of the corporation AND -
“(d)  anyone else who is one of the member's family and may be expected to influence the member, or be influenced by the member, in the member's dealings with the entity

Lancini , who donated to both corrupt Logan and Ipswich candidates in 2016 because he had developments down there , attempted to donate $5000 to the LNP on 11/2/19 . The LNP accepted it but returned it .  That was an attempt to solicit the LNP to accept a prohibited developer donation .   , you can get his historical donations from and for the period tick boxes for all years and it goes way back . Also the 2012-16 Council returns at  

I have broken it down for the 2016 Council Elections on my blog here He started small time then decided to act like a mafia DON.

The historical chronological breakdown of the Lancini donations    Lancini Donations to Parties Via AEC declarations since 1998 :

TO LABOR : $65 700 The Big 50k was for Mooney in 2007 for his re-election run and for the $60 mil needed from all levels of labor government at the time for the road through the mall.

TO Libs/LNP : $32 000 . The donations to the Liberals were for then councillor David Crissafulli . He was elected in 2012 for the Qld seat of Mundingburra and became the Local Government Minister of the Newman government. He then was making decisions on such matters relevant to Townsville. He lost his seat with Newmans fall in 2015. He then ran for the seat of “Broadwater” in 2017 and is now back in parliament.

Donations to Council “Independent Candidates” declared since 2012 : 
2012 LNP/Townsville First  That is, including that ex cops with Integrity Now LNP MLA For Burdekin DALE LAST  ans EDDINGHAUSEN : $ 12 000  last WAS THE ONLY ONE OF HIS TEAM NOT ELECTED IN 2012

Labor/Team Hill : $15 000
LNP/Team Arlett :  15 000

At the 2016 Council Elections why did Lancini find the need to spend money on Brisbane Lord Mayor Graham Quirk?

Why did he feel the need to do the same for Disgraced former Ipswich Mayor Paul Pissale,  Logan Pollies Brett Raguse , Luke Smith, Steve Swenson and Trevor Evans  who was up before the CCC’s Operation Belcarra Inquiry and in court for corruption too? 

This question was answered as early as 2014 and discussed below. Line 257-273 on this ECQ Exel doc   shows Luke Colin Guazzo  was Lancini’s donations bagman . He now works at the Cutheringa Society in Townsville.

Logan and Ipswich $ 31000 between 22/1/16 and 4/3/16
Lnp $ 2000 Senator James McGrath
Quirk $47 000 between 28/8/15 and 15/2/16

What would the Honeycombes money be for ? You can get his historical donations from and for the period tick boxes for all years and it goes way back .

In the recent era we can start from the 2012 Townsville Council returns. They didn’t seem to be interested in the Burdekin where John and Beth lived but donated in Townsville . You have to ask what they as a family were up to at the time . That year was a state election year and former councilor and Win reporter (puke) Crissafulli was expected to gain Mundingburra and become local government minister. He then would have the power to approve or override development applications or decision of council. So, they gave $500 to LNP/Townsville First and $5000 from Peter and Venessa Honeycombe to Crissafulli for his state run. At the time they were involved with the Gleesons who donated big time to the LNP’s John Hathaway in the Townsville seat , and what development was it- the half $billion stalled  Hive/Criterion/Queens Hotel development. All the Gleesons used the same PO Box and slung thousand$
$5000 from Peter and Venessa

The Hive was still stalled by the next state election , so , WAMMO ! ……………

Honeycombes GPO Box 47 Brisbane $16500 to QLD LNP who could make the decision

But then , after the 2017 State Election labor backdated the developer donation ban to Oct 12 2017, but it didn’t come into effect as law till later . So go to   and type in “Honeycombe” . There you will see $13 155 to the LNP beginning 14/11/17 one month after the ban came into effect so Peter couldn’t donate cos that’s obvious .

The Hive is stalled , so why the bee in the bonnet with the LNP donations after the ban still? Turned out they had another thing going. The combined Townsville ferry  terminal , University offices and GBRMPA offices on the Creek. They got the tender. They got $15 mil public funding . Bit obvious given the history eh??  Anyone can google that but there is a link to scanned media on my blog posts here - here and here

And more Townsville mafia stuff stored here in comments and replies and scroll timeline


So lets , for the sake of argument  , if the date of commencement is in dispute cut out the first $1900 and start at 23/11/18. Then theres the $950 to Cox in Nov 2019 . On my count that’s

·         For Lancini , one count of soliticiting a prohibited donation on 11/2/19
·         For Honeycombes and Sam Cox 6 counts of soliciting – each way take your pick, and
·         6 counts of accepting , and
·         6 counts each of being involved in a scheme to circumvent the developer ban

Just remember John Honeycombe started the business. A simple google search throws up pages that say he is still involved in the company (below) . That aside , the Qld Acts are subject to the definitions of close associates and directors in s9 of the CTH Corporations Act.

How did it come to this , go to and read all you can about Operation Belcarra and the Sorely report (chuckle) . And whilst the CCC didn’t have jurisdiction over candidates who weren’t already in public office, it ALWAYS had jurisdiction to investigate the Qld Electoral Commission’s conduct in relation to duty to have oversite , the way they investigate complaints or refuse to investigate under the following provisions

QEA 180 Wilful neglect etc. by commission staff
A senior electoral officer or member of the commission’s staff must not wilfully neglect or fail to perform any duty under this Act. Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.

LGEA 176 Wilful neglect etc. of electoral officers
An electoral officer must not wilfully neglect or fail to perform the officer’s functions under this Act. Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.

Legals- did my research and if you sue me I get your records in civil disclosure and if you lie or hide stuff its perverting the course of justice !

Qld Elections Returns all types 

2012 Qld Council Election returns

2016 QLD Council Election returns

2016 Qld gift register with names and addresses of bagmen for donors

2016 Ipswich Council returns

2016 Logan Council Election returns

For historical date from the AEC go to and for the period, click on that and tick all year boxes.


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