: Inspector Doyle is mentioned. He retired soon after his son graduated from
the Townsville academy.See also
PSA ACT- Police Service Administration Act
PSA Reg- Police Service Administration Regulation
On police wearing right ring political symbols. Joining far right and money laundering political parties who have taken proceeds of crime donations from terrorism and organised crime money launderers Tabcorp and the CTH bank,- after they got done by the federal court Like Inspector Doyle of the Townsville Police, who is running for the seat of Mundingburra in the Qld State election. He joined and sought pre-selection while his mates were targeting anti Adani activists. Just so happens the Party he joined was being bribed like the rest by Adani.
How can a commissioner cut through the political bullshit and make him pay back his wages since he joined the LNP?
It lies in the “without
favour or ill will” and incompetence and “wilful negligence” part of their legally enforceable oath. And it, right wing patches
not being approved uniform . That they cant be trusted to act honestly for the
purposes of s408C1(e ), (f) and (g) , and s92A of the code and s15(b)(ii) of the CCC Act
The cops are taken to know the law under s22 of the Code
And s8 of The PSA Regulation says they have to familiarise themselves with it.
The following sections deal with complete disregard for integrity or incompetence or wilful negligence and against s7.1(b) of the PSA Act and 7.4(1) (c ) and
The Commissioner has power under Part 6 s
6(1 ) (a)(ii) and (iii) and (D) , s7.2,
s7.4 of The Police service Administration Act (PSA) to stand cops down .
people who work with them are under a duty to report misconduct under s7.4 of the PSA act and s200 and 204 of the code but, if they
aren’t stood down ,they are bound by their legally enforceable oath under3.3 and s6.4 of the PSA act. And Police
Service Administration Regulation 2016 s5
s5 Affirmation of office
(1)For section 3.3 of the Act, the following affirmation is prescribed for a person to make and subscribe before beginning to perform duty as an officer—‘I, A.B., do solemnly, sincerely and truly affirm and declare that I will well and truly serve our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth the Second and Her Heirs and Successors according to law in the office of constable or in such other capacity as I may be hereafter appointed, promoted, or may be reduced, without favour or affection, malice or ill-will, from this date and until I am legally discharged; that I will cause Her Majesty’s peace to be kept and preserved; that I will prevent to the best of my power all offences against the same; and that while I shall continue to be a member of the Queensland Police Service I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties legally imposed upon me faithfully and according to law.’.
(2)However, subsection (3) applies if the person’s first performance of duty as an officer is to be as an officer of a rank (starting rank) other than constable.
(3)The affirmation prescribed for the person to make and subscribe before beginning to perform duty as an officer is the affirmation stated in subsection (1) subject to the word ‘constable’ being replaced by the word or words stating the rank that is the starting rank.
The commissioner can still take action against them as a former officers under s7A.1, s7A.2, s7A.3 of The PSA act
This can set off a chain of events that can costs the state a lot of money in :
Exclusion of evidence through unlawful conduct/arrest. Unjustifiable use of police resources in arresting and detaining and prosecuting and or court and dropping charges. Investigating complaints , and covering them up. Subsequent civil actions and legal costs
Their actions may be geared towards charging people with “contempt of cop” .And this is an unlawful ulterior motive see Trobridge v Hardy and Bulsey & Anor v State of Queensland [2015] QCA 187 (6 October 2015) at par [4]
For an explanation of that read the 1997 CJC Report “reducing police civilian conflict” Protesting against police misconduct is not a public nuisance
Courtney v Peacock [2008] QDC 87 |
If a bunch of cops with a political objective get together and start charging people that offend their world view , that is acting with an ulterior motive . Because they have to give the True grounds for arrest (s3ZD CTH Crimes Act and Adams v Kennedy and ors (2000) 49 NSWLR 78 at par [17] applying Christie v Leachinsky (1947) AC 573 at 587-588).
They have to have reasonable grounds under s365 of The PPRA ( Goldie v Commonwealth of Australia [2002] FCAFC 100 ) , It actually has to be an offence. Those grounds must be grounded in objective fact. An ulterior motive is not a reasonable ground it is dihonest and therefore corrupt . Racism is an ulterior motive and a detriment under s92A and s408C(1)of the code and s18(c ) of the CTH RDA
And if its still unlawful or it’s a lie the person can resist , the cops are required to disobey their superiors giving unlawful commands under s31(1) of the code and their only duty is to arrest cops trying to cause an assault on people Forbutt v Blake [1981] 51 FLR at 475 “I am unable to attribute an intention to the legislature to expose a person to such a penalty for disobeying a police order to cease lawful activity where the only relevant police duty is to prevent a breach of the peace by other citizens” Osullivan v Lunnon [1986] 163 CLR at 554 “a police instruction to disperse, is not of course any evidence that an offence was being committed”
A bunch of cops acting unlawfully invoke the following sections of the code;
(1) Disobedience of statue law under s204 and refusal to perform duty under s200 and s92A of the code for refusing to report unlawful cop conduct, refusing to arrest cops acting unlawfully;
(2) Unlawful threats to assault /arrest s359, s92A(1)(c) , s131(1) , s335 , s245(1) , s246, s260 , 340(1)(a)-(c)-(d) Qld Code
(3) Dishonestly causing a detriment s92A(1)(c) , s408C(1) (e ) , (f) and (g) Qld Code
(4) Unlawful Assault by officers s92A(1)(c) , s131(1) , s245(1) , s246, s260 , s335 , 340(1)(a)-(c)-(d) Qld Code
(5) Breach of the peace s260 Criminal Code Qld , s266, Qld Code
(6) Deprivation of liberty s355 Qld Code
(7) Excessive force , it was unlawful to start with which makes it torture aswell under s320A Qld Code
(8) Unlawful search
(9) Interference with political rights s327(1) CTH Electoral Act , s78 QLD Code
(10) Acting in concert and conspiracy to bring a false accusation and to affect an unlawful purpose -s7 , s543(1)(a)-(b)-(f)-(g) and (2) , s539 , s544
(11) Because charges are false -forgery and falsifying documents on charge sheets and watch house registers , making a false declaration for the seizure dockets when they confiscate your stuff and say it was with your permission. When they write up false statements , making false declarations and forgery and unlawful use of police resources cos they are using it to cover up (s15 CCC Act) . Perverting the course of justice and fabrication because they had an ulterior motive and lied about it. If they get together to cover up and give false evidence , perjury and conspiring to pervert the course of justice.
Cops can hassle far right people though, that’s because they are causing illegal detriments to people under s408C(1) (e ), (f) and (g)of the code and s18(c ) of the CTH Racial discrimination Ac t because of race and their protests can be declared a public nuisance under s6 of the Summary Offences Act . That is because motive as manifested towards others is relevant Watson v Trennery [1998] 122 NTR 1
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