Since I
started posting all over they shut off
the ECQ Squiz site to break my links. The new site has massive links here https://www.ecq.qld.gov.au/donations-and-gift-disclosure/disclosure-of-political-donations/published-disclosure-returns You have to scroll down and chose the archive
and manually search from there .
WE GO. Here we have Townsville Deputy mayor Walker stating unequivocally that
his and Jenny Hills Council team will fund their own campaigns as individual
candidates and it will be a shoestring budget . This raises the legal question
I foresaw on my blog . There are ONLY 3 ways the money left in THE JENNY HILL
GANGS bank account from the Townsville and Ipswich MAFIA can be legally dealt with. See the CH7 Townsville News Clip 31/1/2020 on facebook https://www.facebook.com/7NEWSTownsville/videos/205782553886797/?t=0
They arnt running the same team, so that leaves 2. Either
give it to their party or a charity. In
relation to Dowlings $500K, he said he just won the lottery. You arnt allowed
to keep it personally. A quote from my blog here on August 14 2018 – Am I good
or what ?? https://cynicismcentraltownsvilleaustralia.blogspot.com/2018/08/townsvilles-jenny-hill-gang-splits-on.html
Link to Local Government Electoral Act below
“They ran as an independent team , though they are all , if
not majority labor members. Under s 127(6) and (7) there are only 3 ways that
left over money can be dealt with :
127 (6)If an amount remains in the account at the end of the group’s disclosure period for the election, the amount or part of the amount may—
(a)be kept in the account for the conduct of another election campaign by the group; or
(b)if each member of the group was a member of a political party during the disclosure period—be paid to the political party; or
(c)be paid to a charity nominated by the group.
(7)An amount mentioned in subsection (6) must not be dealt with other than under that subsection.
Thus, if the gang splits the money can only be given to a charity (look out for that one..larf) or be given to labor. But that says they lied to the people during the campaign. Paul Jacob called for a labor team next time round because they are split (Clare Armstrong, Townsville Bulletin 6/6/18 p 4 “Alp to run ticket for council poll”) and would have to create a charity or go to the trouble of getting that dodgy mob to reforward that money to them .”
On Palmer allwing Dowling to use his office in the Qld
building yet at the same time say he is indepdendant is a farce . If that’s true
the use of the building for free is a gift and it must be declared as if he was
gifted the rent for free. Second it’s a lie that was addressed in the Belcarra
report https://www.ccc.qld.gov.au/
Meaning of gift in s201(2)(a) of The Qld Electoral Act https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/act-1992-028
201 Meaning of gift
(1) A gift means a disposition of
property made by a person to someone else, otherwise than by will, being a
disposition made without consideration in money or money’s worth or with
inadequate consideration.
Also, a gift includes—
the provision of a service (other than volunteer labour) for no consideration
or for inadequate consideration;
For this part, the amount or value of a gift consisting of or including a
disposition of property other than money must, if the regulation provides, be
decided under principles stated or mentioned in the regulation.
Local Government Electoral
Act https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/act-2011-027
107 Meaning of gifts
(1) A gift is—
the disposition of property or the provision of a service, without
consideration or for a consideration that is less than the market value, but
does not include—
transmission of property under a will; or
provision of a service by volunteer labour; or
payment for attendance at or participation in a fundraising activity.
However, the disposition of property or provision of a service to a candidate is not a gift if it is made in
a private capacity, for the candidate’s personal use, and the candidate does
and does not intend to use, it solely or substantially for a purpose related to
any election.
(3) In
this section—
disposition of property means a conveyance, transfer, assignment, settlement, delivery,
payment or other alienation of property, including, for example—
the allotment of shares in a corporation; and
the creation of a trust in property; and
the grant or creation of a lease, mortgage, charge, servitude, licence, power,
partnership or interest in property; and
the release, discharge, surrender, forfeiture or abandonment, at law or in
equity, of a debt, contract or chose in action, or of an interest in property;
the exercise by a person of a general power of appointment of property in
favour of someone else; and
(f) a
transaction by a person with intent to diminish, directly or indirectly, the
value of the person’s own property and to increase the value of someone else’s property.
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