Posted to LNP candidate for Townsville 2020 John Hathaways page -Dear John Hathaway
Since I started posting this stuff they shut off the ECQ Squiz site to break my links. The new site has massive links below . But to do a manual search where you wont be asked for a password -go to , on the pull down for donation and gift disclosure menu click published returns , scroll right down and click disclosure returns which is on this link , then click election disclosure returns, then state elections , then click 2012 state general election , then click candidate returns and Crissafulli and Hathaway . If you click the links below you will see it prompts you for a password. Everything they do is trying to dissuade people from finding what they want , yet say- if you do it this way you can look and save the file but if you try to put a link in your article it wont work. But the manual search takes you there as instructed.
Dear John Hathaway
(Busted links shown, refer above.)
Your 2012 donations return,-John.pdf
Must be read in the context of Crissafulli’s 2012 return,-David.pdf
and The 2012 Townsville Council Election returns with the same donor names
And the rest of previous and subsequent donations documented in the links on my blog post here
And , what the donors were trying to do , and the fact that Crissafulli was destined to be in control of the Local Government Minister’s rubber stamp when their developments came before him.
You shook my hand and told me you were an ex Army Colonel. As was Newman (an ex Army officer) . But you both were intent on selling Townsville’s port to foreign state actors in the way it was done for Darwin.
My apologies, but your examples are what Im HARDWIRED NOT TO FOLLOW.
And if you could direct your mate INSPECTOR DOYLE , to my public posts of 27 May and 19 Feb , I would be grateful. They should of sacked him and made him pay back his police wages from the day he joined the LNP
Ex Private Coleman
AS above.
Since posting this all over, the ECQ shut down the site with the links you see. Now we have to use the links below from
Scroll and pick the archive and pick "election returns" .
Hathaway 2012 return
Crissafulli 2012 return
2012 Townsville Council returns
2016 Townsville Council Elections
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